Name:              Dr hab. in¿. Pawel Strak

Addres:             Institute of High Pressure Physics of the PAS

                        Sokolowska 29/37

                        01-142 Warsaw, Poland

Cell phone:       +48 --- --- ---

Phone:             +48 22 888 02 36


ORCID:           0000-0002-2013-1265










Work experience


2009 - 2020 Institute of High Pressure Physics Polish Academy of Science


·         DFT simulations of nitride heterostructures

·         Modeling of energetic barriers and dynamics of Ga ad-atoms on (0001) surface of GaN crystal by DFT method  (codes: SIESTA, VASP).

·         Modeling of N2 anisotropic interaction potential (codes: Gaussian, NWChem).

·         Modeling of crystal growth by LPE and LPEE method with FEM code FIDAP and also with finite volume method ANSYS FLUENT.

·         Molecular dynamic modeling of nitrogen properties - my own C++ code.

August 2013     Local Committee of the 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy ICCGE-17

2005 - 2008      Cooperation with Crystal Growth Laboratory at Institute of High Pressure Physics Polish Academy of Sciences


·         Modeling of the natural convection in HNPSG crystal growth method with FEM FIDAP code

May 2007         Organization Committee of the Fifth International Conference on Solid State Crystals & Eight Polish Conference on Crystal Growth - ICSSC-5 & PCCG-8 Conference

2006 - 2007      College of Tourism and Foreign Languages in Warsaw

                        Job position: professor assistant


·         Preparing exercise for students from Statistics lecture




2005 - 2011      PhD studies Faculty of Physics Warsaw University of Technology (thesis: "Physical Properties of nitrogen – numerical modeling")


2000 - 2005      MSc. studies Faculty of Physics Warsaw University of Technology (profile: Solid State Physics, theme: High pressure, high temperature equation of state of molecular nitrogen by molecular dynamic method)