- Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska
- Studia doktoranckie
ICSM 2024 - dr Shiv Singh organizes a session and delivers an invited talk

The 9th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism - ICSM2024 will take place in Turkey from April 27th to May 4th, 2024. Typically, this international conference gathers over 500 participants, making it a highly esteemed event within the superconducting community. This year dr Shiv J. Singh from our Institute, Laboratory of Superconductors, was invited to organize a session focused on iron-based superconductors. The session "Iron-based superconductors (IBS): Fundamental and applied research under ambient and applied pressures" will be composed of eight talks. More information can be found at https://icsmforever.org/scientific-program/co-organizers-and-confirmed-session-chairs/.
Dr. Singh will also give an invited talk "Enhancement of transition temperature and critical current density of iron-based superconductors by high-pressure growth" at this conference. As demonstrated by dr Singh's current research, high-pressure growth is crucial in improving the superconducting properties of this high Tc superconductor. This talk will cover the optimization of pressure growth conditions, bulk sample quality, superconducting properties, and granular behavior of these families in relation to ambient and high-pressure synthesis processes.
Dr. Singh’s two Ph.D. students, Manasa Manasa, and Mohammad Azam, will also present their work as posters. ICSM2024 conference program can be found here https://icsmforever.org/scientific-program/wrs/