- Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska
- Studia doktoranckie
Czochralski Award for Prof. Porowski

European Materials Research Society awarded Prof. Sylwester Porowski the Czochralski Award.
The Award ceremony at the Fall Meeting of E-MRS in Warsaw (Youtube)
The Award Lecture given by Prof. Porowski (Youtube)
Cited after the E-MRS site:

Professor Jan Czochralski is one of the most famous Polish scientists. One of his most important discoveries was the technology for growing single crystals, now known as the Czochraski Method. It was discovered in 1916 when he found that after dipping a pen into a small crucible of molten aluminium and withdrawing it, a thread of aluminium hangs from the nib. Careful investigations had shown that this was a single crystal and so the Czochralski Method for single crystal growth was born. The method is used for example for the growth of the single crystals of Germanium and Silicon which are the basis of a vast range of modern electronic equipment and devices.
Taking into account the merits of Czochralski for materials science, technology transfer to industry, and international colaboration, E-MRS established an award in the name of Jan Czochralski.