- Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska
- Studia doktoranckie

W dniu 22 grudnia br. o godzinie 14.00 w gmachu przy ul. Sokołowskiej 29/37 odbędzie się seminarium Jason’a Schmitt’a (http://nitridesolutions.com/) pod tytułem:
Aluminum Nitride, an electronic device and thermal management material
Jason Schmitt has had a passion for growing crystals that started at a young age. He has been investigating bulk crystal growth since 1995 and Aluminum Nitride specifically since 1997. At Kansas State University under Dr. James H. Edgar and Dr. Andrew Rys, he designed and tested new bulk crystal growth processes. In 2003 Mr. Schmitt was the first American invited to study and to earn a masters at Poland’s prestigious Warsaw University of Technology in Solid-state Chemical Engineering.
Mr. Schmitt went on to earn his MBA and graduated top of his class. Since 2007 he started Kansas Semiconductors LLC, Nitride Solutions Inc., and most recently Schmitt Technological Ventures in 2010.