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Award-winning papers of our young Researchers
Wednesday, 29 April 2015 15:52 |
A big success of our team in Japan! A paper titled "HVPE-GaN growth on GaN-based Advanced Substrate by Smart CutTM" presented by Małgorzata Iwińska at LEDIA’15 (Yokohama, Japan, 22‑24.04.2015) won the Masahito Yamaguchi Student's Paper Award for the best graduate student presentations. Young Researcher's Paper Award was won by Tomasz Sochacki and his paper "State of the Art of Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy on Ammonothermally Grown GaN Seeds".
For more details see
At LEDIA’14 the Masahito Yamaguchi Student's Paper Award was won by Anna Kafar.
We are very proud of our young Researchers.