Would you like to know what is needed to grow InGaN at higher temperatures in MBE not loosing on the indium content? And how these new growth conditions impact InGaN optical quality? What are the advantages of the MBE technology in the growth of III-nitride heterostructures? And how to benefit from them for the fabrication of such devices as light emitting devices operating in both forward and reverse bias, distributed feedback laser diodes with high spectral purity, or stacks of laser diodes for high power operation, just to name a few.
These subjects will be covered during the next Unipress Thursday Seminar by dr inż. Grzegorz Muzioł from MBE Laboratory, Institute of High Pressure Physics in the talk „Growth of InGaN by MBE: current status, opportunities and challenges”
Join us online via Zoom platform on Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 3:00 pm. To get the link to Zoom meeting, please contact us at dyrekcja@unipress.waw.pl
More than 40 years ago, a new direction in physics opened up with the arrival of plasma-wave electronics. The possibility that the plasma waves could propagate faster than electrons fascinated all. Therefore, it was initially expected that plasmonic devices, including detectors and generators of electromagnetic radiation, would be able to work effectively in the very high frequencies - terahertz (THz) range, inaccessible to standard electronic devices. However, numerous experimental attempts to realize the amplifiers or emitters failed: the intensity of radiation turned out to be too small, plasma resonances too broad, or devices operated only at cryogenic temperatures.
This fascinating subject will be discussed during next Unipress Thursday seminar by the awardee of the ERC Advanced Grant Prof. Wojciech Knapfrom our Institute CENTETRA Laboratories in a talk "Plasmonic Crystals in Graphene and GaN for Terahertz Active Devices”.
The Warsaw Doctoral School in Natural and Biomedical Sciences and the Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS cordially invites you to a SPOTLIGHT TALK
"AlGaN nanostructures for far UV-C emitters"given byProf. Eva Monroy fromQuantum Photonics, Electronics and Engineering Laboratory (PHELIQS) of CEA-Grenoble, France
When and where: Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 13:00 (duration: 60 min + more)at the IHPP PAS al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, seminar room 2nd floorand online - the link to Zoom meeting and abstract are available here.
What is SCAATTM? How can we increase the 4-inch GaN bulk crystal diameter if the Ni-based superalloys material properties cannot withstand higher pressures? Are 8-inch bulk GaN crystals a dream or reality?
These questions will be adressed by Dr. Yuji Kagamitani from Mitsubishi Chemical in a talk on “Acidic Ammonothermal Growth of Bulk GaN” during next Unipress Thursday seminar.
Join us online via Zoom platform on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 3:00 pm. To get the link to Zoom meeting, please contact us at dyrekcja@unipress.waw.pl