- Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska
- Studia doktoranckie
Seminarium doktoranckie – mgr inż. Joanna Łoś
Instytut Wysokich Ciśnień PAN zaprasza na seminarium doktoranckie „Charakterystyka zjawisk przedprzejściowych i dynamiki w materiałach ciekłokrystalicznych i ich nanokoloidach”. Wykład wygłosi mgr inż. Joanna Łoś z Laboratorium Ceramiki i Szkła IWC PAN/ Laboratorium X-PressMatter. Seminarium odbędzie się 27 listopada 2024 (środa) o godz. 13:30 w Budynku Nowych Technologii IWC PAN, al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, 01-424 Warszawa, sala seminaryjna 2.35, jak również będzie transmitowane online na Zoom – link można otrzymać pisząc na dyrekcja@unipress.waw.pl. Seminarium poświęcone jest prezentacji wyników naukowych uzyskanych w trakcie przygotowania rozprawy doktorskiej. Promotorem rozprawy jest dr hab. Aleksandra Drozd-Rzoska, prof. IWC PAN. IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We are pleased to invite you to the IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors. The presentation will be held in a hybrid mode – at the seminar room in New Technologies building, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, and through Zoom platform (to get the link, please contact us at nitride_seminar@mail.unipress.waw.pl ). The next seminar is unusually scheduled on Tuesday 26.11.2024 at 14:00. Speaker: Prof. Ryszard Sobierajski (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland) Title: XFELs - a new tool for studying structural transformations Abstract: Link Sincerely, Tadeusz Suski Unipress Thursday Seminar
Material doping without impurity atoms is possible in nitrides due to the presence of polarization gradient in the crystal. The emergence of polarization charges in concentration-graded AlGaN and InGaN materials will be discussed during the next Unipress Thursday Seminar by dr Konrad Sakowski from Laboratory of Nitride Semiconductor Physics, Institute of High Pressure Physics in the talk „Polarization doping in AlGaN and InGaN — numerical simulations”. Additionally, the issue of mobile charges in polarization doped alloys and the potential application of polarization doping for UV heterostructures will be discussed. Join us online via Zoom platform on Thursday, November 28, 2024 at 3:00 pm. To get the link to Zoom meeting, please contact us at dyrekcja@unipress.waw.pl Abstract of the talk is here. IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We are pleased to invite you to the IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors. The presentation will be held in a hybrid mode – at the seminar room in New Technologies building, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, and through Zoom platform (to get the link, please contact us at nitride_seminar@mail.unipress.waw.pl ). The next seminar is unusually scheduled on Tuesday 19.11.2024 at 14:00. Speaker: Prof. Henryk Turski (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland) Title: Epitaxy of III-Nitride Devices on Opposite Facets of the Same Polar Crystal Abstract: Link Sincerely, Tadeusz Suski |